Climate Survey

Dear Parent/Guardian,

The Resilient School Community leaders at Smyrna Middle School are interested in learning more about how our parents/guardians feel about our school. 

We ask that you complete this survey before the last day of school to help provide data that will measure the climate and culture of our school and promote effective and efficient allocation of resources. Your responses will also help us understand more about what makes school a good place for students to learn. 

This survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. School leaders will not be able to disaggregate data by grade level or by individual class. Below is the information you will need to complete the survey:

Click here for the English version and here for the Spanish version.

The survey should take less than 20 minutes to complete. The last question is an open-ended question where you have the option to share any information regarding your experiences at our school. Once you see the “Submit Form” button, you will know that the survey is complete. 

*Attached here is an active consent form for you to sign should you allow your student to also provide us with their feedback through a student survey. For students to participate in the survey the consent form must be returned to the front office by Friday, May 10, 2024. Without active consent students will not complete the survey.

We at Smyrna Middle School appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us!

Takisha Ferguson


[email protected]